More False Information From The American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists
As I was scrolling through the Facebook page of the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology I found an article done by Northwestern University. According to a Northwestern University national survey on Teens, Technology, and Health, 84% of teens have gotten health information online. In addition to recommending teens see a Gynecologist before age 21, ACOG also has an entire patient FAQ section dedicated to questions and health concerns specific to teens. I found it quite concerning as I looked at the flier done by ACOG also talking about the reasons why it is important for women to see a GYN before 21. Some of the topics they covered were…
A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing-ACOG’s Not So Hidden Agenda
Few in Christendom would disagree with the reality that abortion is the single biggest human rights’ violation of our generation. The dehumanizing and devaluing of an entire people group, the preborn children, merely because of their location has cost millions of lives since the passing of Roe v Wade in 1973. In a world that has rejected God that is not altogether surprising but what is surprising is that this Holocaust is taking place in an area that was once committed to doing no harm and represents themselves as the beacon of care and that is the medical field and more specifically obstetrics. What a curious thing that an area…
The Heartbeat Bill
Huge Development-Heartbeat Bill The heartbeat bill (H.R. 490) if passed will most definitely change the course of this nation. The heartbeat bill is sponsored by Representative Steve King of Iowa. The bill was considered Wednesday, November 1st, for the full Judiciary Committee, and it is now in the subcommittee. There has not been any huge movement for this bill. This bill is the first heartbeat bill to be introduced at the Federal Level. This bill would make an abortion illegal once the heartbeat would be detectable. Most women do not find out they are pregnant until after the heartbeat has started and therefore this will impact the abortion mills. If…
Pro-Life, NO Exceptions
I cannot remember a time when I did not know my story, but as I got older God started to really do something in my heart that compelled me into action. Can you imagine finding out at a young age that three doctors wanted you dead? It is hard to wrap my mind around the fact that anyone would have wanted me dead, but even harder for me because they were doctors! They were in a position of power to insist and pressure that my life be ended. My story taught me that doctors have great power not only for tremendous good but also for tremendous evil, and some doctors…
Three doctors told my parents to abort me – they were wrong
For as long as I can remember, my mother made sure I understood that God is like no other and that He had saved my life. My mom told me she would pray that I would not only know Jesus as my Savior but that I would live out that love in kindness and compassionate and tangible ways. My mom also wanted me to understand the significance of what God has done and is continuing to do in my life. Recognizing this has compelled me to be His voice for the voiceless. Because of my story, He laid on my heart not only the preborn children whose lives are daily…